[ANDROID] Gym Tuck PRO v1.0 .apk - ENG

Categoria: Smartphone / Android
data: – 15.03.2014, 21:26
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Le scuse finiscono qui con "GYM Tuck PRO" !!


It is time to achieve your best body with 500+ tucks (exercises) from celebrity trainer and former professional athlete Joshua Lipsey. Everyone has an area of their body they don’t like and with “GYM TUCK PRO” you can guarantee that you will be saying goodbye to that potbelly, love handles, or any other body part that seems to be troubling you.

“GYM TUCK PRO” uses a method never used in app fitness called “BOYTAM” (Bet on yourself to achieve more” where users will be able to bet on how many or how long they can hold a tuck for. This method allows users to achieve their threshold zone and creates an inner competition that really helps users get the best results.

Each tuck comes with beginner and advanced descriptions as well as a demonstration video from Joshua Lipsey that you can watch as many times as you wish before starting the tuck. Users can also track their stats on the “GYM TUCK PRO” graph to see which tucks they can do better on which ones they enjoy doing most.

One of the greatest strengths of this app is the variety of exercises that include many primary and secondary fitness components such as muscular strength core strength, stabilization, dynamic conditioning, balance, coordination, and muscular strength. Users can also share their scores with friends.

“GYM TUCK PRO” is a new and exciting way to work out and if you are looking to change your body this is the best app for you! Your Tuck starts now!


28 febbraio 2014
Versione corrente
È necessario Android
2.2 e superiori


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